
Print making

Urban Texture


My teachers asked us to take a few photos of "urban textures" throughout the city and of flowers so we could make them into prints. So I decided to gather up a few pictures I had from Canada and it turned out there was no need for me to go out and snap new shots. Happy moment for a lazy as like me lol. I'm curious about how these prints will turn out, think will be an interesting exercise. Well today is Friday so enough school talk and let's all have a wonderful weekend!


To do...

Get a few more tattoos
Improve my closet, need to do some serious shopping (via The Coveteur)
Read more about the industry
Get a new awesome hair color (one that'll be accepted at a work environment tho)
Go on a cool trip, don't really care where to
All images via Pinterest

So here's my to do list for the last half of this year. What are your plans?
Let's get 'er done



Have (Images via Pinterest)
Hello lovelies! So these two pictures represent what my hair looks like at the moment and how I want it to look like as soon as possible. Need to find a hair dresser that will do it without frying my hair, well first I gotta find out if it can be done considering my hair's health and stuff. Fingers crossed!


Work it

All black is always a good idea
Shirt+skirt=classic combo, with a twist on the materials (jeans+leather=cool)
Sometimes simplicity is key
Comfy ans stylish, make sure it's not sloppy though
Cool leather pants + a touch of grunge with the shirt tied around the hips + classic pumps
All images via Pinterest
Natural makeup with a cat eye and tinted lips
Natural with a bit of eye shadow and reddish lips
It's that time of the week again. I hope I was not the only one who had troubles to get out of bed this morning. Also today is my first day back at school, hope my classes are interesting and my teachers are good. Fingers crossed. Here's some inspiration for those days when you have to be well dressed but still wanna be stylish and not look like you're trying too hard. I've been doing quite a few job interviews lately and as my field is fashion I gotta worry a bit more about what my clothes say of me. These are outfits I think would be good for any jobs that don't require the applicant to look too formal but still needs you to be stylish and polished.


Oh the weekend

Images via Pinterest
Hey you! It's Friday YAY!! Let's get dressed up and enjoy this weekend because it's my last one before I'm back in uni. But that's alright I was too bored of staying at home anyways. What are your plans for the weekend?

Brands and the City

Hello lovelies! So this video has been all over my feed all week and it's pretty awesome so I decided to share it with you if you haven't seen it yet it is a must. It has all the brands ever mentioned in all seasons of Sex and the City in alphabetical order, it also shows how many times each brand was mentioned. This video made me wanna watch all seasons again and again. This was such a fun show.


Lavender dreams

This is probably my dream hair color, except I'd wear it shorter and curly
All images above are from Pinterest

Hello lovelies! I've been reflecting about hair lately. I have waited for my hair to grow and as soon as it was actually long I decided to cut it, because I didn't like the way it looked on me, then recently I've been cutting my hair shorter and shorter, now I have a bob but since I don't think I have the right texture to get a pixie this is where I'll stop. However, cutting my hair doesn't seem to be doing it for me anymore, I don't even get excited when I get a new cut... So I decided my next step will be a dramatic color change, so maybe this way I'll become excited about my hair once again. 

But then comes the second part of my reflection: what color should I go for? I'm already a brunette so I feel like I should get out of my comfort zone and don't do browns or black. Then I'm left with blond and red for natural dye colors and an infinity of possibilities of fantasy colors. The truth is, I really want my hair to be a degrade of a dark purple on my roots to a light lavender on my ends. The problem here is that I fear once I go bold people won't hire me and I really want a job right now.

What's your opinion on this? Do people still get attached to such a superfluous thing as a hair color when it comes to hiring an employee? What do you think I should do?