
Lavender dreams

This is probably my dream hair color, except I'd wear it shorter and curly
All images above are from Pinterest

Hello lovelies! I've been reflecting about hair lately. I have waited for my hair to grow and as soon as it was actually long I decided to cut it, because I didn't like the way it looked on me, then recently I've been cutting my hair shorter and shorter, now I have a bob but since I don't think I have the right texture to get a pixie this is where I'll stop. However, cutting my hair doesn't seem to be doing it for me anymore, I don't even get excited when I get a new cut... So I decided my next step will be a dramatic color change, so maybe this way I'll become excited about my hair once again. 

But then comes the second part of my reflection: what color should I go for? I'm already a brunette so I feel like I should get out of my comfort zone and don't do browns or black. Then I'm left with blond and red for natural dye colors and an infinity of possibilities of fantasy colors. The truth is, I really want my hair to be a degrade of a dark purple on my roots to a light lavender on my ends. The problem here is that I fear once I go bold people won't hire me and I really want a job right now.

What's your opinion on this? Do people still get attached to such a superfluous thing as a hair color when it comes to hiring an employee? What do you think I should do?

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